Dye Elementary YouthQuest Update

shutterstock_124784092Summer’s out for school! We’re one week in and back in action! The students jumped right in and didn’t miss a beat. The week went by quickly as we worked at getting to know each other, the program, and our new daily schedule. Students worked on their homework and then enjoyed games and activities, ranging from getting-to-know-you to team building. Schoolmates enjoyed hearing about all the fun activities enjoyed throughout the summer by both Camp YouthQuest and their other friends.

Mrs. Shim’s class counted all the petals on sunflowers, and how many sunflower seeds make up a sunflower. Students got back into the swing of daily homework, telling time and counting money, and delighted in getting caught up with friends that they’d missed over the summer. The open house was a big success! Many YouthQuest parents stopped by to say hello and meet their students’ Learning Guides. We explained the field trips and many lessons that we hope to instill in our YouthQuest students this year.