Carman-Ainsworth Middle School Robotics Teams at VEX Worlds

IMG_2215The Carman-Ainsworth Middle School Robotics Team MO’ Peeps competed in the VEX World Championship from April 25-28, 2018 in Louisville, Kentucky. The best 184 middle school teams were invited to the World Championship from a starting pool of approximately 10,000 teams from around the world.

The C-AMS Robotics Team MO’ Peeps won the Excellence Award!

According to the VEX website, “The Excellence Award is the highest award presented in the VEX programs. The recipient of this award is a team that exemplifies overall excellence in building a high-quality robotics program. The Excellence Award is earned by an entire school or organization at Worlds, not just a single team.

This team excels in many areas and is a shining example of dedication, devotion, hard work and teamwork.”

The Mo’ Peeps road to the Excellence Award included:

  • Must undergo an interview process
  • Must submit an engineering notebook (NOTE: the engineering notebook must be comprehensive from the beginning of the season and must exemplify the building and engineering processes used by the team.)
  • Must complete 2 STEM Projects

The C-A team entered the following for their projects:

  • A Video (which the team wrote and performed) about the creation of a robot
    • A Critical Picture analysis
  • Must Initiate Community Outreach – The MO’ Peeps assisted in the Haskell Community Center Water Project in Flint

Members of the team include: Lydia, Parker, Noah, Micah, Sierra, Faith, Jack, Arryonna, Emery, Chase, Haize, and Max.

The team is coached by Leanne Welch (Rankin Elementary Teacher), Amy Johnson (Rankin Elementary Teacher) and Dylan Elmer (MSU Student).